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Publications (Library)

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Wind powerSimmons, DanielNoyes Data Corporation1975Book
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 3rd progress reportHewson, E WendellOregon State University1975Book
CerealsScade, JohnOxford University Press1975Book
Blessings of breadBailey, AdrianPaddington Press Ltd1975Book
Technology of cereals: With special reference to wheatKent, N LPergamon1975Book
Old metal mines of mid-Wales: Part 2 Cardiganshire - Rheidol to GoginanBick, DavidPond House, Newent, Glos.1975Book
Story of Wortley ironworks: a record of its history and traditions, and eight centuries of Yorkshire iron-makingAndrews, C Reginald; Andrews, MaryR Milward Printers1975Book
Story of Wortley ironworks:a record of its history and traditions and eight centuries of Yorkshire iron-workingAndrews, C Reginald; Andrews, MaryR Milward Printers1975Book
We Almost Lost DetroitFuller, John G.Reader's Digest Press1975Book
Story of rice: Its history, operations and outlook in the world todayRiviana Foods Inc1975Book
Alles ist schon einmal dagewesen: Historisches und aktuelles aus der geschichte des nutztiers und der mühleBarański, Anton; Combem, Norman; Gleisberg, Hermann; Hedige, Heini; Zintzen, ClemensRoche, Basel1975Book
Sidney ironworks accounts: 1541-1573Crossley, David WRoyal Historical Society1975Book
Energybook#1: Natural sources and backyard applicationsPrenis, JohnRunning Press1975Book
Ryhope pumping station: a history and descriptionLinsley, S MRyhope Engines Trust1975Book
Windmills and Argos HillRogers, T SydneyScott Witten1975Book
America's wooden age: aspects of its early technologyHindle, BrookeSleepy Hollow Restorations1975Book
Woad in the FensWills, Norman TSociety for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology1975Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1975Book
Windmills in Bedfordshire: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1975Book
Windmills in Cambridgeshire: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1975Book
Bishopstone tidemillsFarrant, SueSussex Archaeological Society1975vol 135 pp199-202Offprint/Journal Supplement
Autonomous houseVale, Brenda; Vale, RobertThames & Hudson1975Book
Watermills, windmills and stationary steam mills in Ireland: with special reference to problems of conservationBowie, Gavin G SThe author1975Thesis/Report
Decline of water-powered industries in the Upper Wey Basin from 1850 to the presentClark, Alastair JThe author1975Book
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
Old mills and waterpowerClarke, PeterThe author1975Book
Water mills of the River Sheaf: a survey of what remainsMachan, PeterThe author1975Book
Tjasker windmillBlom, Louis HTIMS1975Book
De Belgische windmolensDevyt, Chr; Van Damme, GVeys1975Book
Watercolours by Thomas GirtinGirtin, ThomasVictoria & Albert Museum1975Book
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Shipley millWest Sussex County Council1975Book
Wookey HoleGatacre, E VWookey Hole Caves1975Book