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Publications (Library)

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Design of high-speed windmills suitable for driving electric generatorsKlein, G JNational Aeronautical Establishment1975Book
Wey navigation: a tale of troubled watersLansdell, AvrilElmbridge Borough Council1975Book
Ryhope pumping station: a history and descriptionLinsley, S MRyhope Engines Trust1975Book
Water mills of the River Sheaf: a survey of what remainsMachan, PeterThe author1975Book
Fieldwork in industrial archaeologyMajor, J KennethBatsford1975Book
Sussex river: Journeys along the banks of the River Ouse. Seaford to NewhavenMcCarthy, Edna; McCarthy, MacLindel Organisation1975Book
Ballad of the leatMoat, JohnArc Publications1975Book
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Simplified wind power systems for experimentersPark, JackHelion inc, Brownsville, California1975Book
Simplified wind power systemsPark, JackHellion, Inc1975Book
Livre de mon moulinPetitfils, GuyEditions Stock1975Book
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
Wimbledon Common windmillPlastow, NormanLondon Archaeologist1975Book
Wool & water: Bradford-on-Avon and the River FromePonting, Kenneth GMoonraker1975Book
Energybook#1: Natural sources and backyard applicationsPrenis, JohnRunning Press1975Book
Lead industry of Wensleydale and Swaledale: Vol 2: the smelting millsRaistrick, ArthurMoorland Publishing1975Book
Windmills and Argos HillRogers, T SydneyScott Witten1975Book
CerealsScade, JohnOxford University Press1975Book
Industrial archaeology of windmills and waterpowerSchools Council, Heinemann1975Book
Wind powerSimmons, DanielNoyes Data Corporation1975Book
Molenbouw: Het Staande Werk van de BovenkruiersSipman, AntonDe Walburg Pers1975Book
Windmills in Bedfordshire: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1975Book
Windmills in Cambridgeshire: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1975Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1975Book
Autonomous houseVale, Brenda; Vale, RobertThames & Hudson1975Book
Molens in Zeeland in oude ansichtenvan Lambalgen, LEuropese Bibliotheek1975Book
Windmills In England: a study of their origin, development and futureWailes, RexCharles Skilton1975Book
Moulins. Technique. Histoire. Folklore.Wallaert, SylvieMuséé Régional de l’hospice Comtesse.1975Book
Somerset windmillsWatts, MartinAgraphicus1975Book
Breadmaking: the modern revolutionWilliams, AHutchinson1975Book
Woad in the FensWills, Norman TSociety for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology1975Book
Gilkes's 1853 to 1975. 122 years of Water Turbine and Pump Manufacture (A History of the Firm of Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd.)Wilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1975March 12Manuscript/Typescript
Steam engines and waterwheels: a pictorial study of some early mining machinesWoodall, Frank DMoorland Publishing1975Book