Search Start a new search You can also directly search our Archive catalogue of images and documents. Showing results for ( Year equals 1966 ): Publications (Library) Search publications by topic TitleContributorsPublisherYearBatchDescripMedium Transactions of the First symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1966Symposium TransactionsCibinium:studien und miteilungen aus dem Hermannstadter Freilichtmuseum der Baurlichen TechnikMuzeul Brukenthal Sibiu1966BookShipley mill: Erected in 1879 for Mr F MartinWest Sussex County Council1966BookGreat northern coalfield: 1700-1900Atkinson, FrankDurham County History Society1966BookApplication of water-power to industry during the Middle AgesBlaine, BUniversity Microfilms1966BookCorn grindingCase, Carolyn MStaffordshire County Museum1966BookStevington millCirket, Alan FBedfordshire County Council1966BookWestvlaamse Windmolens: Inventaris volgens de Toestand op I Januari 1965 [Inventory according to the state on 1st January 1965]Devyt, ChrDesclee de Brouwer1966BookScottish windmills: an outline and inventoryDonnachie, Ian; Stewart, Norma KSociety of Antiquaries of Scotland1966Copied documentLetheringsett: Industrial archaeology in a rural settingDurst, D; Manning, I MNorfolk Industrial Archaeology Society1966BookSeparation of wheat starch and glutenEdwards, G HResearch Association of British Flour-Millers1966BookWindmills of Surrey and Inner LondonFarries, Kenneth G; Mason, M TCharles Skilton1966BookRenaissance engineersGille, BertrandLund Humphries1966BookArthur Woolf; the Cornish engineer 1766-1837Harris, T RD Bradford Barton1966BookBarns and workshops: West Yorkshire Folk MuseumInnes, R ACounty Borough of Halifax1966BookSvanninge Stampemolle: reconstructing the fulling mill at Kobstadsmuseet, Den Gamle By, AarhusJespersen, AndersKongens Lyngby1966BookNationalmuseets Molleudvalg - Danish Mill Preservation Board: problems of preservationJespersen, AndersNationalmuseet1966BookReport on water- and windmills, vol.15: Lindved Gaard Og MoleJespersen, AndersThe author1966BookMøller på als (Danish mills)Lampe, Og Jens; Linow, HansForlaget Faklen1966BookMoulins au fil de l’eau: en AnjouMaudonnet, PaulThe author1966BookPests of stored productsMunro, J WHutchinson1966BookPractice of flour milling: volume 2nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)Northern Publishing Co1966BookCopper mountain: Volume 1Rowlands, JohnAnglesey Antiquarian Society1966BookNote on early tower windmillsSalmon, JohnJournal of the Archaeological Association1966vol XXIX Offprint/Journal SupplementOddity and eleganceSharland, MichaelFullers Bookshop1966BookWater paper mills in EnglandShorter, Alfred HSPAB1966Book Posts navigation 1