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Gunpowder mills of Westmorland and FurnessWilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1964Article
Gunpowder Mills of Westmorland and FurnessWilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1964Book
Medieval technology and social changeWhite, Lynne JrOxford University Press1964Book
Short History of the Royal Gunpowder Factory at Waltham AbbeySimmons, W HControllerate of Royal Ordnance Factories1964Manuscript/Typescript
Histoire des domaines sucrièrs de l'ile MauriceRouillard, GuyRevue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1964Jan- Mar vol 43 pp 5-21Offprint/Journal Supplement
Peak millstones and Hallamshire grindstonesRadley, J ANewcomen Society1964Vol XXXVI pp 165-173Article
Food science and technologyPyke, MagnusJohn Murray1964Book
Industrial revolution in the eighteenth century: an outline of the beginnings of the modern factory system in EnglandMantoux, PaulMethuen1964Book
Bakers and BreadManning, S ABasil Blackwell1964Book
Monastic watermills: a study of the mills within English monastic precinctsLuckhurst, DavidSPAB1964Book
Golden thumb: living and milling through five generations of the Snodgrass familyKempsell, AlexJ. & R. Snodgrass Ltd.1964Book
Theatre of machinesKeller, Alexander GustavChapman & Hall1964Book
Slusegaardens Molle og OrrehusJespersen, AndersDanske Mollers Venner1964Book
Wheat: chemistry and technologyHlynka, IAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1964Book
Wow!: how does one move a windmill?Hickmet, NevvarThe author1964Book
Water in EnglandHartley, DorothyMacDonald1964Book
Village mill in early New England; Old Sturbridge Mill, MassachusettsHamilton, Edward POld Sturbridge Inc1964Book
Der praktische BäckerFritsch, EHugo Mattheas1964Book
Story of breadDeverson, H JPenguin1964Book
History of the machineChaitin, Peter; Soulard, RobertLeisure Arts Ltd1964Book
Noordhollands MolenboekCaarten, A Bicker; de Koning, A J; Hennink, H; Mars, FHD Tjeenk Willink & Zoon1964Book
Pakenham windmillBryant, John; Wood, GranvilleJohn Bryant1964Book
Broadstone Mill, CorvedaleBoucher, Cyril T GNewcomen Society1964Vol XXXVI pp 159-163Book
Addendum to Dorset watermillsAddison, Joseph; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1964Vol XXXVI pp175-181Offprint/Journal Supplement