Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation: Black Slaves and the British Empire | Craton, Michael; Walvin, James; Wright, David | Longman | 1976 | | Book |
Slave Wales: The Welsh and Atlantic Slavery, 1660 - 1850 | Evans, Chris | University of Wales | 2010 | | Book |
Sugar Mills and Slavery | Nisbet, Stuart M | The Mills Archive Trust | 2021 | | Book |
Legacies of British slave-ownership: Colonial slavery and the formation of Victorian Britain | Donington, Katie; Draper, Nicholas; Hall, Catherine; Lang, Rachel; McClelland, Keith | Cambridge University Press | 2014 | | Book |
Slaves with or without sugar: Registers of the international seminar, Funchal 17th to 21st June 1996 | Vieira, Alberto | Atlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office | 1996 | | Book |
Sugar And Slavery : An Economic History Of The British West Indies | Sheridan, Richard | University Press of the West Indies | 2000 | | Book |
Sugar, Slavery and Technological Change: Jamaica 1760-1830 | Satchell, Veront M | VDM Verlag Dr Muller | 2010 | | Book |
Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819 | | UCL database: Legacies of British Slavery | | | Website |
Recovering Scotland's slavery past: The Caribbean connection | Devine, Tom M | Edinburgh University Press | 2015 | | Book |
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana | McDonald, Roderick A | Louisiana State University Press | 1993 | | Book |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Simpkin, Marshall & Company | 1898 | | Book |
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archive | Fuentes, Marisa J | University of Pennsylvania | 2016 | | Book |
Masters and the slaves: A study in the development of Brazilian civilisation | Freyre, Gilberto | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1956 | | Book |
Sugar and slaves: the rise of the planter class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713 | Dunn, Richard S | Jonathan Cape | 1973 | | Book |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Simpkin, Marshall & Company | 1899 | | Book |
Sugar and slavery, family and race; the letters and diaries of Pierre Dessalles, planter in Martinique, 1808-1856 | Forster, Elborg; Forster, Robert | John Hopkins University Press | 1996 | | Book |
Three continents, one history: Birmingham, the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Caribbean | Harris, Clive | Afro-Caribbean Millennium Centre | 2008 | - | Digital |
Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile Caribbean | Eller, Anne | Oxford University Press | 2017 | - | Digital |
Slave experience in the Caribbean | Klein, Herbert S | Atlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office | 1996 | - | Digital |
African and European slave trades | Hornsby, Jr, Alton; Rucker, Walter C | Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 2005 | - | Digital |
Sugar, slavery and emancipation: the industrial archaeology of the West Indian island of Tobago | Eubanks, Thomas Hales | University of Florida | 1992 | - | Digital |
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean : A Feminist Perspective | Reddock, Rhoda E | Latin American Perspectives | 1985 | 12 pp 63-80 | Digital |
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century Barbados | Handler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew C | New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden | 2017 | Issue 91 pp 30-55 | Digital |
Bogs of Death: Slavery, the Brazilian Flour Trade, and the Mystery of the Vanishing Millpond in Antebellum Virginia | Rood, Daniel | Journal of American History | 2014 | June pp19-43 | Digital |
Slave prices, the African slave trade and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674–1807 | Eltis, David; Lewis, Frank D; Richardson, David | Economic History Review | 2005 | LVIII (4), 673–700 | Digital |
British Empire and the Suppression of the Slave Trade to Brazil: A Global History Analysis | Parron, Tâmis | Journal of World History | 2018 | March Vol 29 (1) pp. 1-36 | Digital |
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle mills | Bennett, Richard; Elton, John | Burt Franklin, New York | 1960 | or later | Facsimile or Transcription |
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized Slavery | John, Crowley | American Historical Review | 2016 | vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436 | Digital |
Confronting the Crisis of the Slave-Based Plantation System in Puerto Rico: Bureaucratic Proposals for Agricultural Modernisation, Diversification and Free Labour, c1846–1852 | Chinea, Jorge L | Journal of Latin American Studies | 2010 | vol 42 (1) 121–154 | Digital |
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century Caribbean | Stinchcombe, Arthur L | American Sociological Review | 1994 | Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929 | Digital |
Slave Women and Reproduction in Jamaica, c .1776–1834 | Morgan, Kenneth | Historical Association | 2006 | vol 91 (302) 231-253 | Digital |
Home-grown Slaves: Women, Reproduction, and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Jamaica 1788–1807 | Turner, Sasha | Journal of Women’s History | 2011 | Vol. 23 No. 3, 39–62. | Digital |