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Showing results for ( Topic equals Energy & power > Watermills ):

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Carew Tidal MillPembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority1986Brochure, leaflet or poster
Mills and millstone fragments within the Eastbourne Borough Council areaStevens, LawrencePolegate Windmill2002Book
Moulins et meuniers dans les campagnes européennes (IXe-XVIIIe siècle)Mousnier, MPresses Universitaires du Mirail2002Book
House Mill: Bromley-by-BowRiver Lea Tidal Mill TrustBook
Open to tide mills: Proceedings of an international conferenceRiver Lea Tidal Mill Trust2000Book
Fairbairn's mill machinery at the House millStrong, BrianRiver Lea Tidal Mill TrustBook
Three mills, Bromley by BowGardner, E MRiver Lea Tidal Mill Trust1995Book
Romance of water-powerLewis, PaulSampson, Low, Marston & Co1931Book
Bishopstone and the lost village of Tide MIllsLyndhurst, DavidSB Publications2001Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1985Book
Tide mills part 1Wailes, RexSPABBook
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1956Book
Tide mills part 3: The Three Mills, Bromley by BowGardner, E MSPAB1957Book
Monastic watermills: a study of the mills within English monastic precinctsLuckhurst, DavidSPAB1964Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1973Book
Tide mills part 2Wailes, RexSPABBook
Watermills with horizontal wheelsWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1960Book
Harnessing the tides: the early medieval tide mills at Nendrum Monastery, Strangford LoughCrothers, Norman; McErlean, ThomasStationery Office2007Book
Fejezetek Pest Megye TortenetebolLajos, JakusStudia Comitatensia1979Article
Bishopstone tidemillsFarrant, SueSussex Archaeological Society1975vol 135 pp199-202Offprint/Journal Supplement
House mill: Study of the present condition of the house mill and of the repairs necessary to enable it to be used as a museumHarrap, Julian; Ogden, DerekThe author1974Book
Tide mills of Hampshire and the Isle of WightVincent, AlexThe author2014Book
Tide mills of KentVincent, AlexThe author2015Book
History of floating mills on the tidal ThamesSisitka, Josef SThe author1992Book
House Mill: Application for planning permission and listed building consentHarrap, JulianThe author1979Book
Tide Mills of SussexVincent, AlexThe author2013Book
Worldwide Tide Mill Data Now Available On LineTide Mill Insitute2022Internet source
Moulin pendantJones, David HTIMS1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Boat mills in Europe from early medieval to modern timesGraf, Daniela; Harverson, Michael; van der Drift, LeoTIMS2006Book
Watermills and military works on Hadrian's Wall: excavations in Northumberland 1907-1913Simpson, F Gerald; Simpson, Grace; Wilson, Paul N LordTitus Wilson1976Book
Application of water-power to industry during the Middle AgesBlaine, BUniversity Microfilms1966Book
Wind- und Wasserkraft: Die Nutzung regenerierbarer Energiequellen in der GeschichteBayerl, Günter (ed)VDI-Verlag1989Book
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Moulins et meuniers carolingiens dans les polyptyques entre Loire et Rhin: Mills and millers in the Carolingian polyptychs between the Loire and RhineChampion, EtienneVulcain / AEDEH1996Book
Woodbridge tide millWoodbridge Tide Mill TrustBrochure, leaflet or poster
Tide mill WoodbridgeBarratt, Nigel; Weaver, Michael AWoodbridge Tide Mill Trust2013Book