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Windmills and millwrightingFreese, StanleyCambridge University Press1957Book
Miller and millwrightAbernathy, R JamesDixie Miller Company1904Copied document
Zingende stenen: werken met de korenmolenAbelskamp, D JHet Gilde van Vreijwillige Molenaars1979Copied document
Miller's, millwright's and engineer's guidePallett, HenryHenry Carey Baird1866Copied document
Selection of our stone shopCharles Ross & Son Company1917or laterCopied document
Experienced millwright, or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful machines With the Latest Improvements ; to which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the General Principles of Mechanics, and of the Mechanical Powers ; Illustrated with Forty-four EngravingsGray, AndrewArchibald Constable & Co1806digitised 2022Digital
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverArno Press1972Facsimile reprint
Theatrum machinarum universale of groot algemeen moolen-boekvan Zyl, JohannisPetrus SchenkFacsimile reprint
Theoretisch en Practisch Molenboek: voor ingenieurs, aannemers, molenmakers, en verdere bouwkundigen [for engineers, contractors, mill makers, and other construction engineers]Krook, G'S Gravenhage bij De Erven Doorman1981Facsimile reprint
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverOliver Evans Press1999Facsimile reprint
Theatrum machinarum molarium: oder schau-platz der Mühlen-Bau-KunstLeupold, JacobSchäfer1982Facsimile reprint
Leffel’s construction of mill dams and Bookwalter’s millwright and mechanicJames Leffel & Co.1881Facsimile reprint
Die praktische Mühlen-BaukunstBehrens, Ernst Christian AugustTh. Schäfer, Hannover2006Facsimile reprint
Construction of mill damsLeffel, JamesNoyes Press1881Facsimile reprint
Theatrum Machinarum GeneraleLeupold, JacobVDI-Verlag1982Facsimile reprint
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverAyer Company1989Facsimile reprint
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
In search of "Fairbairn's Silent Machinery"Strong, Brian1995Manuscript/Typescript
Brake wheels and wallowersClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1948Manuscript/Typescript
Drive to the stones in windmilsWailes, RexNewcomen Society1959Offprint/Journal Supplement
Bell alarms and sack hoists in windmillsClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Holman Bros., Millwrights of Canterbury: A HistoryBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Website