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From Millwrights to EngineersLeonard, AnneGuild of One-Name Studies2019Article
Holman Bros. millwrights of Canterbury: A historyBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Holman, Geoff; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Book
100 years Buhler Brothers Uzwil, SwitzerlandThe Company1960or laterBook
Dover Street rememberedMcFarlane, Peta; Tyler, Sheila; Wood, MaryOaten Hill and District Society1993Book
Windmill tower in reinforced brickworkBird, A B; Foster, DStructural Clay Products Ltd1976DecemberBook
Lives of the engineersSmiles, SamuelThe Folio Society2006Book
Flour milling machinery by Robinson; Students' drawingsThomas Robinson & SonundatedBook
Mills and their preservationJespersen, Anders1963Book
702 model windmill: its assembly, installation and useBaker, T LindsayAmerican Wind Power Center1999Book
Holmans of Canterbury: the family firm that traded in Dover Street for one hundred and fifty yearsFielding, ShenaOaten Hill and District Society1992Book
Story of a wonderful flour mill: the Midget Marvel: the money-making mill wonder of the ageAnglo American Mill Corporation1916Book
Windmühlen: der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den UrsprungNotebaart, Jannis CMouton Verlag1972Book
MillwrightingHobart, James FMcGraw-Hill1919Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 5: A Review by Parishes, S-ZFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1988Book
Watermills and stoneground flour millingHarris, Nigel SThe author2014Book
Roller mill and silo manual: a ready reference note book for the modern miller and millwrightDonaldson, JamesDonaldson & Owens1901Book
Windmühlen-PraxisHipt, Hermann Op deVerlag Moritz Schafer1937Book
Handbuch des Müllers und MühlenbauersSacher, RVerlag Deutscher Müller, Leipzig1921Book
Le meunier et son Moulin à vent. Métiers, techniques et artisans.Latour, AchilleCreer1999Book
Millstone round my neckThelwell, NormanEyre Methuen1981Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 1: an historical reviewFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1981Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 2: a technical reviewFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1982Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 3: A Review by Parishes, A-EFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1984Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 4: A Review by Parishes, F-RFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1985Book
Milling journals of the past. Our Milling Engineers and the Milling RevolutionCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016NovemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The American Engineering Works of Messrs Edward P Allis & CoCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016DecemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The French engineering works of MM Rose Frères at Poissy, FranceCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2017JanuaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. The British Engineering Works of Mr Charles Hopkinson at Retford in NottinghamshireCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2017FebruaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. The British Engineering Works of Mr William WhitmoreCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Innovations from leading uk mill manufacturer christy turner for 2016Milling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Balaguer rolls. 100 years of engineering that today supports affordable and high-quality milled foodstuffsMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Time machineMilling & Grain 2016AugustDigital
Bastak Instruments. At the forefront of Turkish technologyMilling & Grain 2019JanuaryDigital
Doorways Opening off the Stone Floor in Smock and Tower MillsJarvis, Paul SMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
John Smeaton's windmill designsBuckland, J S PMills Research Group1984SeptemberDigital
Journey down an Archives Rabbit HoleHow, NeilInternet Archive2023-Digital
Windmills, picturesque and historic: the motors of the past: Project Gutenberg scan January 30, 2017 [EBook #54075]Shelton, F HJournal of the Franklin Institute1917 -Digital
Proposals for Mill TestingJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Variable mill sail weatherBuckland, J S PMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Location of millstones in tower and smock windmills: A developmental sequence?Hamond, FredMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Analysis of the damsel & shoe feed chacteristicsJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Bühler opens Insect Technology Centre to support customers in the feed and food industriesMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Ups and downs of the old type millwrightsHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2021SeptemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. With the windmillwrightsHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2021OctoberDigital
Whitworths - a new era in millingLyddon, ChrisWorld Grain2021NovemberDigital
Coping with Covid-19. Ocrim's innovative responses to an increasingly demanding marketMilling & Grain 2021NovemberDigital
Bringing a new dimension to FEED engineeringMilling & Grain 2019JuneDigital
Bühler opens its CUBIC innovation campusMilling & Grain 2019JuneDigital
Milling journals of the past. Messrs Thomas Robinson & Son Ltd of RochdaleCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2019MayDigital