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Publications (Library)

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Location of millstones in tower and smock windmills: A developmental sequence?Hamond, FredMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Analysis of the damsel & shoe feed chacteristicsJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Windmühlen: der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den UrsprungNotebaart, Jannis CMouton Verlag1972Book
Holmans of Canterbury: the family firm that traded in Dover Street for one hundred and fifty yearsFielding, ShenaOaten Hill and District Society1992Book
Dover Street rememberedMcFarlane, Peta; Tyler, Sheila; Wood, MaryOaten Hill and District Society1993Book
Windmill tower in reinforced brickworkBird, A B; Foster, DStructural Clay Products Ltd1976DecemberBook
Watermills and stoneground flour millingHarris, Nigel SThe author2014Book
100 years Buhler Brothers Uzwil, SwitzerlandThe Company1960or laterBook
Lives of the engineersSmiles, SamuelThe Folio Society2006Book
Holman Bros. millwrights of Canterbury: A historyBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Holman, Geoff; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Book
Flour milling machinery by Robinson; Students' drawingsThomas Robinson & SonundatedBook
Robinson RecordThomas Robinson & Son1947Vol 1 no 2Newsletters
Handbuch des Müllers und MühlenbauersSacher, RVerlag Deutscher Müller, Leipzig1921Book
Windmühlen-PraxisHipt, Hermann Op deVerlag Moritz Schafer1937Book
Whitworths - a new era in millingLyddon, ChrisWorld Grain2021NovemberDigital