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Journey down an Archives Rabbit HoleHow, NeilInternet Archive2023-Digital
Doorways Opening off the Stone Floor in Smock and Tower MillsJarvis, Paul SMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Mills and their preservationJespersen, Anders1963Book
Proposals for Mill TestingJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Analysis of the damsel & shoe feed chacteristicsJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Le meunier et son Moulin à vent. Métiers, techniques et artisans.Latour, AchilleCreer1999Book
From Millwrights to EngineersLeonard, AnneGuild of One-Name Studies2019Article
Whitworths - a new era in millingLyddon, ChrisWorld Grain2021NovemberDigital
Dover Street rememberedMcFarlane, Peta; Tyler, Sheila; Wood, MaryOaten Hill and District Society1993Book
Windmühlen: der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den UrsprungNotebaart, Jannis CMouton Verlag1972Book
Handbuch des Müllers und MühlenbauersSacher, RVerlag Deutscher Müller, Leipzig1921Book
Windmills, picturesque and historic: the motors of the past: Project Gutenberg scan January 30, 2017 [EBook #54075]Shelton, F HJournal of the Franklin Institute1917 -Digital
Lives of the engineersSmiles, SamuelThe Folio Society2006Book
Millstone round my neckThelwell, NormanEyre Methuen1981Book
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital