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Publications (Library)

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Science & technology. The improvement of roller millsMilling & Grain 2018NovemberDigital
Story of a wonderful flour mill: the Midget Marvel: the money-making mill wonder of the ageAnglo American Mill Corporation1916Book
Study of the temperature rise of a roller millMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Superior is back. Ocrim's compact mill that combines functionality with beauty in designMilling & Grain 2021DecemberDigital
Time machineMilling & Grain 2016AugustDigital
Titanium rollersMilling & Grain 2018NovemberDigital
Variable mill sail weatherBuckland, J S PMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Watermills and stoneground flour millingHarris, Nigel SThe author2014Book
Whitworths - a new era in millingLyddon, ChrisWorld Grain2021NovemberDigital
Windmill tower in reinforced brickworkBird, A B; Foster, DStructural Clay Products Ltd1976DecemberBook
Windmills, picturesque and historic: the motors of the past: Project Gutenberg scan January 30, 2017 [EBook #54075]Shelton, F HJournal of the Franklin Institute1917 -Digital
Windmühlen-PraxisHipt, Hermann Op deVerlag Moritz Schafer1937Book
Windmühlen: der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den UrsprungNotebaart, Jannis CMouton Verlag1972Book
Yenar delivers its 100th Combined Fluting and Grinding MachineMilling & Grain 2022JanuaryDigital