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Improving sustainability with powdered goodsMilling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Minimising arsenic poisoning in cropsMilling & Grain 2019FebruaryDigital
Germ retaining rice. Catering for the continually increasing demand for high quality in ChinaMilling & Grain 2022JanuaryDigital
Magnetic separators and their role in ensuring the safety of foodMilling & Grain 2018DecemberDigital
Frutarom acquires AB-Fortis®Milling & Grain 2018JanuaryDigital
15 years - 15 fortification championsMilling & Grain 2018JanuaryDigital
Cooked pasta retains up to 80% of added b-vitaminsMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Grains – challenging press perceptionsMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Busting the myths about food pasteurisationMilling & Grain 2018AprilDigital
Global need for nutrients Everything you need to know about fortified riceMilling & Grain 2021DecemberDigital
Good Mills Innovation focuses on health at Fi EuropeMilling & Grain 2018AprilDigital
GABA functional ingredientMilling & Grain 2019AprilDigital
Bran. A long history, and a prosperous futureMilling & Grain 2017OctoberDigital
Fortifying futures. Celebrating 20 years of preventing global vitamin & mineral deficiencies through flour fortificationMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Whole vs refined grains. Findings of recent study indicates a link between grain choice & heart healthMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Addressing biodiversity, hidden hunger and malnutritionMilling & Grain 2018FebruaryDigital
Nutritional importance of coarse cereal grainsMilling & Grain 2017OctoberDigital
Life saving power of wheat fortificationMilling & Grain 2017OctoberDigital
Pioneering in postbioticsMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Fibre February 2023Milling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Why fortify with zinc?Milling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
Opportunities with High Value Pulses IngredientsMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Nutritional aspects of bread and flour: Report of Panel on Bread Flour & Cereal ProductsHMSO1981Book
Whole grain flour; benefits, trends and challengesMilling & Grain 2020JulyDigital
Thomas Allinson. The doctor and miller struck off for advocating healthy eatingMilling & Grain 2020JulyDigital
Wheat flour fortification in Egypt during a pandemicMilling & Grain 2020SeptemberDigital
DermatitisNational Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1947Brochure, leaflet or poster
Most national mandatory flour fortification standards need reviewMilling & Grain 2021JaniuaryDigital
Powerful air purifier removes 99.99 percent of Covid-19 virusMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Micronutrient premixesMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Oat drinks. The environmentally sustainable alternative to cows milkMilling & Grain 2021OctoberDigital
Analysis highlights wheat flour fortification’s impact on human healthMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
Fibre February campaign promotes ‘small swaps’ to boost healthMilling & Grain 2021-Digital
‘Beans in toast’. Can Britain raise the pulse?Milling & Grain 2023MarchDigital
Tracking down wheat intolerancesMilling & Grain 2020MarchDigital
Fortification. Excessive nutrient risk calls for thoughtful approachMilling & Grain 2019NovemberDigital
Fortification of industrially-milled cereal grainsMilling & Grain 2019SeptemberDigital
Addition of calcium carbonate (creta preparata) to National FlourResearch Association of British Flour-Millers1942JuneOffprint/Journal Supplement
Wheat gluten: a natural protein for the future - todayInternational Wheat Gluten Association1979or laterBook
Victorian guide to healthy living (Dr Thomas Allinson)Allinson, Thomas; Selby, AnnaRemember When2009Book
Fiber in human nutritionAmen, Ronald J; Spiller, Gene APlenum Press1976Book
Wheat in human nutritionAykroyd, W R; Doughty, JoyceFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1970Book
Health concerns over cereals and our daily breadBrouns, FredMilling & Grain 2018October pp 54-58Digital
Saccharine diseaseCleave, T LJohn Wright & Sons1974Book
Folic acid: mass medication or mass nutritionCooper, JamesMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Artisan flour mills rise to the challenge of Covid-19Cooper, JamesMilling & Grain 2021FebruaryDigital
Folic acid: a pinch a day keeps the birth defects awayDuong, Michelle; Tsang, BeckyMilling & Grain 2021FebruaryDigital
Rice fortificaton; globally combatting malnutrition and supporting immune healthFoing, YannickMilling & Grain 2021JuneDigital
Addressing pandemic micronutrient deficiencies through flour fortificationInternational Federation for Spina Bifida and, TheMilling & Grain 2017DecemberDigital
World Flour Day 2022: Celebrating Flour Fortification’s LegacyLourekas, AliciaMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital