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Publications (Library)

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'Hydec' hydro-electric generating setGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1977Brochure, leaflet or poster
'Hydec' impulse water wheelsGilbert Gilkes and Gordon LtdBrochure, leaflet or poster
'Water TurbinesArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1920Brochure, leaflet or poster
'Water Turbines Simply Explained'Wilson, Paul N LordGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1960Book
100 years of water powerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1956Book
Advertising cardFitz Water Wheel Co.Brochure, leaflet or poster
Alcott's Improved Turbine Water WheelTC Alcott & Son Mount Holly, NJBrochure, leaflet or poster
Almost fifty years of progressRobert Craig Sons (Engineers) Ltd1931Brochure, leaflet or poster
American and New American turbine water wheels, flour and paper mill machineryStout, Mills & Temple, Dayton, Ohio1883Book
Application of water-power to industry during the Middle AgesBlaine, BUniversity Microfilms1966Book
Backus water motorBackus Water Motor Co.Book
Balanced Gate turbineChristiana Machine Co, PA1889Book
Benoit Fourneyron et l’invention de la turbine hydraulique. mémoire de D.E.A. 1983Deleage, J PDEA Science, Technologie, Société CNAM- Université Paris I1983Book
Bodine's Jonval Turbine Water WheelGenesee Valley Mfg Co, NY1887Book
Bolinger Turbine Water WheelYork Manufacturing Co, York, PA1879Book
Brief catalogue of Improved Water MotorsJohn Hetherington & Sons LdtCopied document
British Empire TurbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
British Empire turbineArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1905Unbound documents
Burden water-wheelSweeny, F R I; Vogel, Robert MSociety for Industrial Archaeology1973Book
Cadiot 'Petits Moteurs et Dynamos "Bebe"'E H Cadiot et Cie1894Book
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Book
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Brochure, leaflet or poster
Cadle Duplex Jet Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1891Book
Catalog DHydraulic Turbine Corp.Camden, NY1915Book
Catalogue and price list for Empress turbineH Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry1890Book
Catalogue of "New American" Turbine and Fruen water wheel governorWm R Dell & Son1888Book
Catalogue of clutches, turbines, governors, steam engines and sausage filling machinesN J H King & Co, Nailsworth, Glos1903Book
Catalogue of Patent 'Daw' Rock Drills... Pelton wheels and trubinesA & Z Daw, London1894Book
Catalogue of the 'New American' turbineWm R Dell & Son1893Book
Catalogue of turbines, pelton wheels and other water motorsCarrick & Ritchie Ltd1913Unbound documents
Characteristics of modern hydraulic turbinesLarner, Chester WAmerican Society of Civil Engineers1910Transactions Vol 66 pp306-386Offprint/Journal Supplement
Complete Plant for the Development of Water PowerJames Gordon & Co1909Book
Complete plant for the devlopment of water powerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1925Book
Concise Turbine Tables and revised price listChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Cragside: the power circuitAspden, AlanNational Trust1988Book
Das Kraftwek"Bleilochsperre"J M Voith, Heidenheim1933VDI-Z Bd 77 (25), seite 663Offprint/Journal Supplement
Das Kraftwerk Partensteinin in OberosterreichJ M Voith, Heidenheim1925VDI-Z Bd 69, seite 1485Offprint/Journal Supplement
Das Wasserrad – Technik und KulturgeschichteWolfel, WilhelmUdo Pfriemer Verlag1987Book
Description, Tables, Prices &c of the 'New American TurbineWm R Dell & Son1886Book
Development of Water PowerRobert Craig Sons (Engineers) Ltd1936Book
Development of water power: A handbook for the preparation of preliminary schemesArmfield, Joseph J & Co Ltd1930Book
Einfache Berechnung der turbinen auf grundlage des Reiche'schen Hauptgesetzes und eigener Erfahrung im TurbinebauVerlag von Meyer & Zeller in Zurich1890Book
Empress Turbine Water WheelsH Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry1890Book
Empress water motorE S Taylor & Co, Liverpool1880Book
Energy from the WavesRoss, DavidPergamon Press1981Book
Energy, Efficiency, EconomyRobert Craig Sons (Engineers) Ltd1931Brochure, leaflet or poster
Estate Water TurbineArmstrong-Whitworth1924Book
Expériences sur la roues hydrauliques a axe vertical: et sur l'ecoulement de l'eau dans les coursiers et dans les buses de forme pyramidalePiobert, G; Tardy, A LLibrairie scientifique-industrielle de L. Mathias1840Book
Exploitation of water-power or technological stagnation?: a reappraisal of the productive forces in the Roman empireWikander, OrjanCWK Gleerup1984Book
Fabricas Hidraulicas EspañolasTascon, Ignacio GonzàlezMinisterio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo1992Book