Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Windmills on Cape Cod and the islands | Burrows, Fredrika A | William S Sullwold | 1978 | | Book |
Windmills of New England: their genius, madness, history & future | Lombardo, Daniel | On Cape | 2003 | | Book |
Windmills of Long Island | Hefner, Robert J | Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities | 1983 | | Book |
Windmills and water mills of Long Island | Leeds, Gerald A; Pulling, Anne Frances | Arcadia | 1999 | | Book |
Windmill: Water Mill, New York | Thompson, William C | Water Mill Village Improvement Association | 1990 | | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: executive summary final report | Hewson, E Wendell | Oregon State University | 1977 | June | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 4th progress report | Hewson, E Wendell | Oregon State University | 1976 | | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 3rd progress report | Hewson, E Wendell | Oregon State University | 1975 | | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 2nd progress report (part 2) on research on structural aspects of wind machines | Thresher, R W | Oregon State University | 1974 | | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 2nd progress report (part 1) | Hewson, E Wendell | Oregon State University | 1974 | | Book |
Wind power potential in selected areas of Oregon: 1st progress report | Hewson, E Wendell | Oregon State University | 1973 | | Book |
Wind Grist Mills on Aquidneck Island | Pannagio, Leonard J | Middletown Historical Society | 1992 | | Book |
Where industry failed: water-powered mills at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia | Gilbert, Dave | Pictorial Histories | 1984 | | Book |
Waterwheels and millstones: a history of Ohio gristmills and milling | Garber, D W | Ohio Historical Society | 1970 | | Book |
Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine; Volume 1 of a History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930 | Hunter, Lewis C | University Press of Virginia for the Eleutharian Mills-Hagley Foundation | 1979 | | Book |
Water-powered gristmills of Union County, Pennsylvania | Del Testa, David W; Rich, Thomas P | Union County Historical Society | 2013 | | Book |
Water-power on the farm | Kindig, Steve | TIMS | 1979 | | Book |
Water Powered Flour Mills in Nebraska | Buecker, Thomas R | Bebraska State Historical Society | 1983 | | Book |
Water power: past and future | Dallas, K M | Fullers Bookshop | 1970 | | Book |
Volendam Windmill Museum Inc; Holland Township, Milford, New Jersey | | | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Village mill in early New England; Old Sturbridge Mill, Massachusetts | Hamilton, Edward P | Old Sturbridge Inc | 1964 | | Book |
Velkommen to the Danish Windmill, Elk Horn, Iowa | Jacobsen, Warren; Sutcliffe, Judy | | 1977 | | Book |
Two men on a mill: The story of the restoration of Baxter's Mill | Castonguay, A Harold | | 1969 | | Book |
Tidemill research within Chesapeake Bay | Plunkett, David | Mills Research Group | 1988 | March | Digital |
Tide Mills in New England (article) | Elden, Alfred | | 1935 | | Book |
There's something in the wind: The Brewster windmill and how it is run; a handbook for assistant millers1967 | | Brewster Historical Society | 1979 | | Book |
Survey of mills in Delaware County, Pennsylvania 1826-1880 | Case, Robert P | Delaware Community College and Delaware County Historical Society | 1994 | | Book |
Stover Mill, Erwinna, Pennsylvania and how it ran | Anderson, Lois R | Tinicum Civic Assocation | 1994 | | Book |
Story of the Dutch Windmill De Zwaan | | City of Holland, Michigan | 1965 | | Offprint/Journal Supplement |
Story of Old Sturbridge VIllage | Van Ravenswaay, Charles | Newcomen Society in North America | 1965 | | Book |
Spocott windmill | | | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Prairie Mill | Wienke, Anna | Golden Historical Society, Illinois | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Place, memory and time: essays commemorating the tricentennial of the Nathaniel Newlin Grist Mill 1704-2004 | Sellers, M N S; Wallace, A F C; Woodfin, H D | Nicholas Newlin Press | 2004 | | Book |
Pine Creek grist mill: its history, technology and restoration | Metz, David | TIMS | 2015 | | Book |
Philipsburg Manor | | Sleepy Hollow Restorations | 1969 | | Book |
Perry County grist mills: 1762-1978 | Eby, Eugene E | The author | 1978 | | Book |
Peconic River mills and industries. | Yeager, Edna Howell | Suffolk County Historical Society | 1965 | | Book |
Papers from the seminar on waterwheels and windmills held in Durham, North Carolina, July 1978 | | Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley Inc | 1979 | | Book |
Paper makers: early Pennsylvanians and their water mills | Carter, Jane Levis | Jane Levis Carter | 1982 | | Book |
Only mill in town: the story of the pail-making industry in Richmond, New Hampshire | Martin, Richard A | Friends of Historic Richmond | 1995 | | Book |
Oliver Evans: inventive genius of the American industrial revolution | Ferguson, Eugene S | Hagley Museum & Library | 1980 | | Book |
Oliver Evans: a chronicle of early American engineering | Bathe, Dorothy; Bathe, Greville | Arno Press | 1972 | | Facsimile reprint |
Old Time New England | | Bulletin of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities | | | Journal |
Old Mills of far Southwest Virginia | Addington, L F; Hamilton, Emory L | Historical Society of Southwest Virginia | 1973 | | Book |
Old mills of Camden County | Boyer, Charles S | Camden County Historical Society | 1962 | | Book |
Old Hook Mill and other old English windmills of East Hampton, Long Island and vicinity | Edwards Rattray, Jeannette | | 1974 | | Facsimile reprint |
Old East Mill | | | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Notes on some windmills in New England (article) | Wailes, Rex | Bulletin of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities | 1931 | January, Vol XXI (3) pp99-128 | Article |
Musings of a Country Miller: W Franklin Ressler | Kindig, Steve | Ressler Mill Foundation | 1999 | | Book |
Mils of Long Island | Marshall, Bernice; Wailes, Rex | Ira J Friedman Inc | 1962 | | Book |