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Showing results for ( Topic equals Wind & watermills > Other Europe (not GB) > Mediterranean countries & Portugal ):

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Pedro Bernardo Villarreal de Bérriz (1669-1740): semblanza de un vasco precursorRuiz de Azúa y Martínez de Ezquerecocha, María EstibalizFundacion Juanelo TurrianoBook
Molinos del Rio Segura: Los Molinos Nuevos.Barbero, Antonio Rosa; Pacheco, Alfonso RiquelmeBook
O anemomylos stis Kyklades: Windmills of the Cycladic IslandsBaos, Zapheires; Nomikos, StephanosEkdoseis DodoneBook
De Windmolens van MallorcaSanchis, Guarner M; van Hartingsvelt, J CJ C van Hartingsvelt1955Book
Molins de vent de MallorcaSanchis, Guarner MEditorial Barcino1955Book
Maquinas hidraulicas de molinos y herrerias y govierno de los arboles y montes de VizcayaVillareal de Berriz, Pedro BernardoSociedad Guipuzcoana de Ediciones y Publicaciones1973Book
Water power in traditional sugar and olive oil production in the land of IsraelAvitsur, ShmuelTIMS1973Transactions volume 3 pp 175-1Article
Windmills of the CycladesNomikos, Stephanos; Vaou, ZafeiriouAnthropos1974VOl II (2) pp 91-114Offprint/Journal Supplement
Moinhos e Azenhas de PortugalGalhano, FernandoAssociação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Moinhos: Portuguese Association of Friends of Mills1978Book
Wind and watermills of PortugalGalhano, FernandoAssociação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Moinhos: Portuguese Association of Friends of Mills1978Book
Muinos de Mares da Ria de ArousaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaBrigantium Bol Museo Arqu Hist Coruna1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Italian WatermillsFreedman, AlanMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Windmills of the Aegean SeaLimona-Trebela, ETIMS1983Book
Tecnologia tradicional Portuguesa: sistemas de moagemGalhano, Fernando; Oliveira, Ernesto Veiga de; Pereira, BenjamimInstituto Nacional de Investigacao Cientifica1983Book
Mulini ad Acqua della Valle Dell'EnzaBaricchi, Walter; Fontana, Massimo Tozzi; Foresti, FabioGrafis Edizioni1984Book
O Muino de Meson (Abalo, Ponteverda)Bas Lopez, Maria BegonaCuadernos do Seminario de Sargodeleos1984no 45 pp219-236Offprint/Journal Supplement
Roues hydrauliques en Pierre au Pays-BasqueGarcia-Diego, Jose A1984Book
Molinos de marAzurmendi Perez, LuisColegio Oficiial de Arquitectos de Cantabria1985Book
Quinze Anys Dels Premis D’Investigació « Ciutat de Palma » (1970-1984)Carbonero, AntòniaAjuntament de Palma1986Book
Tratado de molinologia: los molinos de GuipúzcoaSorrondo, Antxon AguirreEditorial Eusko Ikaskuntza SA1988Book
Los molinos: cultura y tecnologiaElias, Luis VicenteCentro de investigacion y animacion etnografica1988Book
Technologia (Greek script)Greek Benefit Fooundation Bank of Industrial Development1989Journal
Molinos de la Provincia de ValladolidCarricajo Carbajo, Carlos; Garcia-Tapia, NicolasCamara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Valladolid1990Book
Las Primeras Menciones de molinos de Mareas de GaliciaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaLLULL1990Offprint/Journal Supplement
Ingeniería y Arquitectura en el Renacimiento EspañolGarcia-Tapia, NicolasSecretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Valladolid1990Book
Sugar mills in Southern SpainLavandera, Efrén FernándezThe author1992Book
Sugar mills in Southern Spain with special reference to San Isidro Mill in El Trapiche (Vélez-Malága)Lavandera, Efrén FernándezTIMS1993Transactions volume 8 pp 81-88Article
La palude di Onara: studi sul territorio l'ambiente e il paesaggioBiringuccio, Vannoccio; Camuffo, AdrianoProvincia di Padova1994Book
Mills of the River Segura: The new millsParra Lledó, IsabelMuseo Hidraulico "Los Molinos del Rio Segura"1996Book
O moinho de Joao Vieyra da Silva, AmadoraMiranda, Jorge AugustoCamara Municipal da Amadora1997Book
Water power in preindustrial GreeceNomikos, StephanosETBA Cultural Foundation1997Offprint/Journal Supplement
Some windmills of the Island of Rhodes, GreeceCrumbleholme, RichardThe author1997Manuscript/Typescript
Felipe II, los ingenios y las máquinas: ingeniería y obras publicas en la epoca de Felipe IIKeller, Alexander Gustav; Tascon, Ignacio GonzàlezSociedad Estatal para la Conmemoracion de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V1998Book
Consideracions xerais pro estudo dos muinos en GaliciaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaCuadernos de Estudios Gallegos1998vol 32 (96-97) 329-344Offprint/Journal Supplement
Batán de MosquetinVarela, Jose Manuel VazquezDeputaton da Coruna1999Book
Windmills of the Greek IslandsBlom, Louis HTIMS1999Book
Man and the windmills: Balearic IslandsLlinas, Alejandro GarciaGovern Balear1999Book
Museu Rural de Boticas: catálogoCenteno, Rui M S; Pereira, Benjamim Enes; Silva, Armando Coelho FEdições ETNOS2000Book
Moinhos de Agua: legados de Sever do WougaMonteiro, Paulo Celso FerrnandesCamara Municipal de Sever do Vouga2001Book
Euromills: the exhibitionVarious authors, Graphein Servizi2002Book
Mill Tour Programme: 11th symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS2004Symposium Transactions
Portugal: a land of millsMiranda, Jorge Augusto; Nascimento, Jose CarlosChronos Editora2008Book
Information on the continuing works, research, maintenance, formation, protection, and promotion of the fortified prehistoric settlement at Palamari in SkyrosScientific Committee of Palamari2009or laterBook
Ta' Kola windmill: a landmark restoredSagona, Nicoline; Sant Caruana, Daphne MHeritage Malta Publishing2016Book
Greek Mills, From the Middle Byzantine Period to the 20th Century Vol 2Hackney, Graham; Speis, GeorgeTIMS2019Book
Greek Mills, From the Middle Byzantine Period to the 20th Century Vol 1Hackney, Graham; Speis, GeorgeTIMS2019Book
Levadas e Moinhos de Àgua na Ilha da Madeira como Projetos HistóricosRhode, Christiane ; Wittenberg, HartmutArquivo Histórico da Madeira2021-Digital