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Showing results for ( Topic equals Wind & watermills > England > Derbyshire ):

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Mills of New MillsSymonds, John VNew Mills Local History Society1983Book
Mills of New MillsSymonds, John VNew Mills Local History Society1991Book
Stainsby millStaunton, PamelaNational Trust2001Book
Stainsby Mill - a souvenir guideStaunton, PamelaNational Trust2010Book
Industrial DerbyshireSmith, Michael EBreedon Books2008Book
Living with a windmillSmedley, MarjorieDerbyshire county council cultural and community services department2006Book
Water mills of the Derbyshire WyeRoberts, AlanA. F. Roberts2010Book
Domesday book: Derbyshire, 27Morgan, Philip; Morris, JohnPhillimore1978Facsimile or Transcription
Peak District National ParkMonkhouse, PatrickHMSO1960Book
Lost mills of RowarthMiller, EileenNew Mills Local History Society1984Book
Life under the sails - Heage WindmillJones, GlynHeage Windmill Society2016Book
Borrowash mills on the Derwent: records of an industrial site in DerbyshireJohnson, MarionMarion Johnson Greenway Publishing1996Book
Ashbourne: the historical settingHenstock, AdrianAshbourne Urban District Council1971Book
Notes on Derbyshire windmillsHay, 2003Book
Industrial Archaeology of the Peak DistrictHarris, HelenAshbourne Editions1992reprint of 1971 bookBook
Derbyshire watermills: corn millsGifford, AlanMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1999Book
Derbyshire windmills past & presentGifford, AlanMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2003Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of DerbyshireFowkes, Dudley; Mitchell, Ian; Sissons, MarkAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2005Book
Goin' down t' th' mill: 101-year diary of the ancient Brough millEyre, WilliamWilliam Eyre1988Book
Miller and his Mill: the story of John Else and Warney MillCooper, JudithMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2020Book
Transformation of a valley: the Derbyshire DerwentCooper, BrianHeinemann1983Book
Caudwells of Rowsley: flour millersCaudwell, E (Rowsley) LtdE Caudwell (Rowsley) Ltd1974Book
Caudwells of Rowsley: flour millersCaudwell, E (Rowsley) LtdE Caudwell (Rowsley) LtdBook
Old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated historyButterton, HarryThe author1996Book
History of Riddings windmillsBurt, H LThe authorBook
New Mill and some other corn mills of the High PeakBryant, R MNew Mills Local History Society1990Book
New mills: A look back at its industrial heritageBrumhead, Derek; Bryant, Roger; Weston, RonNew Mills Local History Society1997Book
Newtown: the growth of an industrial suburb in the nineteenth centuryBrumhead, DerekNew Mills Local History Society2002Book
Mills of Hathersage 1800-1902Brown, David L; Tomlinson, Tom DHathersage Parochial Church Council1979Book
Heage windmill revealedBoucher, John; Gifford, Alan; Walker, GraemeHeage Windmill Society2007Book
Heage windmill: guide bookBlower, Colin; Gifford, Alan; Walker, GraemeHeage Windmill Society2004Book
Story of Heage windmill: the display panelsBlower, ColinHeage Windmill Society2004Book
Windmills of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire; Part II Tower MillsBaker, P H J; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1962Vol XXXIV pp89-104Offprint/Journal Supplement
Windmills of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire; Part I Post MillsBaker, P H J; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1961AprilManuscript/Typescript
Windmills of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire; Part II Tower MillsBaker, P H J; Wailes, RexNewcomen SocietyManuscript/Typescript
Industrial heritage in the East MidlandsEast Midlands Tourist Board1981Book
Caudwell's mill, RowsleyCaudwell's Mill TrustBook
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the East Midlands: parts of Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire and NottinghamshireAssociation for Industrial Archaeology and Leicestershire Industrial History Society1986Book