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Showing results for ( Topic equals Energy & power > Development of technology ):

Publications (Library)

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Thermal phenomenon and analysis of a grinding machine’s rollerMilling & Grain 2019JanuaryDigital
Digitalisation: Unlocking machine potential to meet the global food challengeMilling & Grain 2019JanuaryDigital
From grain to groats with the Drum Groat Cutter TGSMilling & Grain 2019DecemberDigital
Magnetic separators and their role in ensuring the safety of foodMilling & Grain 2018DecemberDigital
Schafler's Kornkraft shows its strengthMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Roller mills. A study of the effects of sandblasting on the surface morphology of grinding rollersMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Award season (GRAPAS and AFTaN)Milling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
I wasn’t expecting that!Gilbert, RogerMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Intelligent millsMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Rolls. The effect of a good roll in a flourmillMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energyvan Wijk, A J M; Wouters, FrankAcademia Letters2022June Digital
Why England and not China and India? Water systems and the history of the Industrial RevolutionTvedt, TerjeJournal of Global History20105, pp. 29–50Digital
Tranasactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technologyNewcomen Society1941Journal
Tranasactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technologyNewcomen Society1996Journal
Seven centuries of the English windmill Bent, DavidRecording
Historical Development of Traditional Windmill Technology in EnglandBlythman, GuyThe Mills Archive Trust2019Website
From Quern to Computer: The history of flour millingWatts, Martin; Watts, SueThe Mills Archive Trust2016Website