Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Proiskhozhdeniye i razvitiye vetryanoy mel'nitsy | Ponmomarev, N A | | 1958 | | Book |
International exhibition of flour mill machinery | Tepper, D G | | | | Book |
Seven centuries of the English windmill | Bent, David | | | | Recording |
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energy | van Wijk, A J M; Wouters, Frank | Academia Letters | 2022 | June | Digital |
Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 9 & 10 | | Adam Matthew Publications | 2001 | | Book |
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 2 & 3 | | Adam Matthew Publications | 1993 | | Book |
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 4 & 5 | | Adam Matthew Publications | 1994 | | Book |
Boulton and Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 6,7 & 8 | | Adam Matthew Publications | 1997 | | Book |
Der Walzenstuhl: Konstruktion & Funktion | Gemsjäger, Helmut | Agrimedia | 2013 | | Book |
Del dios del fuego a la máquina de vapor: La introducción de la técnica industrial en Hispanoamérica | Garcia-Tapia, Nicolas | Ámbitio Ediciones - Instituto de Ingenieros Técnicos de España | 1992 | | Book |
Windmills in England: a study of their origin, development and future | Wailes, Rex | Architectural Press | 1945 | | Book |
Windmills in England | Wailes, Rex | Architectural Press | 1948 | | Book |
History of the machine | Strandh, Sigvard | Arrow Books | 1984 | | Book |
Development of grain milling machines | Scott, J H | Audio Typing Ltd. | 1972 | | Book |
Leonardo da Vinci's machines | Cianchi, Marco | Becocci Editore | 1998 | | Book |
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technology | Lucas, Adam | Brill Society | 2006 | | Book |
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills | Hawksley, Jeff; Spain, R J | British Archaeological Reports | 2008 | | Book |
Power from wind: a history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1994 | | Book |
Power from wind: A history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1996 | | Book |
Rise and Fall of the Millstone | Cookson, Mildred M | Cereal Foods World | 2019 | Vol. 64, No. 4 pp | Digital |
Theatre of machines | Keller, Alexander Gustav | Chapman & Hall | 1964 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. VII: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 2 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. VI: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 1 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
Energy research: Alternative strategies for development of new energy technologies and their implications for the federal budget | Dowd, Richard M; Timenes (Jr), Nicolai; Wentzel, Kendrick W | Congress of the United States: Congressional Budget Office | 1976 | | Book |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.2 The first stages of mechanisation, 1450-1725 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | Crown Publishers, New York | 1969 | | Book |
Hellend scheprad: geschiedenis en bouw | Sipman, Anton | De Walburg Pers | 1977 | | Book |
Rural Durham | Chapman, Vera | Durham County Library | 1977 | | Book |
El real gabinete de máquinas del buen retiro: origen, fundacion y vicisitudes una empresa tecnica de Agustin de Betancourt | Payen, Jacques; Rumeu de Armas, Antonio | Fundacion Juanelo Turriano | | | Book |
History of western technology | Klemm, Frederich; Singer, Dorothea Waley | George Allen & Unwin | 1959 | | Book |
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der Eifel | Hörter, Fridolin | Geschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung | 1994 | | Book |
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle Ages | Gimpel, Jean | Gollancz | 1977 | | Book |
La energia eolica: tecnología e historia | Cadiz Deleito, Juna Carlos | Hermann Blume | 1984 | | Book |
Large Roman water mill at Barbegal (France | Sellin, Robert H J | History of Technology (Mansell) | 1984 | 1983, vol 8 pp 91 -109 | Article |
Surviving evidence of technological history: part 3: The impulse turbine in Irish watermills: two unusual surviving cornmills | Bowie, Gavin G S | Irish Engineers Journal | 1974 | Vol 2 (6) pp 20-22 | Article |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.1 The origins of technological civilisation to 1450 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | John Murray | 1969 | | Book |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.3 The expansion of mechanization, 1725-1860 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | John Murray | 1980 | | Book |
Why England and not China and India? Water systems and the history of the Industrial Revolution | Tvedt, Terje | Journal of Global History | 2010 | 5, pp. 29–50 | Digital |
Spiel mit, Maschine!: Technische Nachrichten für junge Spielzeugbauer | Hirte, Werner | Kinderbuchverlag | 1972 | | Book |
Moteurs à muscles cette énergie retro | Bleu, Simone | l'Association "Le Clairmirouère du temps" | 1980 | | Book |
Bauernmühlen im Schwarzwald: Dokumentation und Restaurierung bäuerlicher Alltagstechnik | Jüttemann, Herbert | Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim | 1990 | | Book |
Windmills: A pictorial history of their technology | Hills, Richard L | Landmark | 2005 | | Book |
Men, machines and history: the story of tools and machines in relation to social progress | Lilley, S | Lawrence and Wishart | 1965 | | Book |
History of the machine | Chaitin, Peter; Soulard, Robert | Leisure Arts Ltd | 1964 | | Book |
A la chasse aux papillons. système de mise au vent automatique des moulins | Amary, Jean Francois; Porcher, Christian; Raclin, M | Les Cahiers De l’Ama | 1991 | | Book |
James Watt and the Industrial Revolution | Dickinson, Henry Winram; Vowles, H P | Longman | 1943 | | Book |
Patents for inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries: with notes on the historical development of technics | Doorman, G | Martinus Nijhoff | 1942 | | Book |
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhere | Hockensmith, Charles D | McFarland & Co Inc | 2009 | | Book |
Vermahlungstechnik in der modernen Getreidemuhle | | MIAG | | | Book |
Roller mill. Stability and grinding roller system performance | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | December | Digital |
Extrusion brings versatility to food industry | | Milling & Grain | 2019 | October | Digital |