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La Forge à la catalane dans les Pyrénées ariégeoises.Une industrie à la montagne (XVIIe- XIX siècle)Cantelaube, JeanCNRS/ Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail2005Book
Pigs and Ingots: the lead/silver mines of CardiganshireCarr, Tina; Schöne, AnnemarieY Lolfa Cyf1993Book
Friends on the Northern lead dales: an anthology of the friends of KillhopeChambers, BryanFriends of Killhope2002Book
Historic Melingriffith: an account of Pentyrch iron works and Melingriffith tinplate worksChappell, Edgar LMerton Priory Press1995Book
Iron industry of the WealdCleere, Henry; Crossley, David WLeicester University Press1985Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire dales: their architectural character, construction and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TThe author1962Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire Dales and Northern Pennines: their architectural character and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TRobert T. Clough1980Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire dales and northern Pennines: their architectural character construction and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TRobert T. Clough1980Book
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire dales: their architectural character construction and place in the European traditionClough, Robert TRobert T. Clough1962Book
Cheddleton flint mill: and the history of pottery milling, 1726-1900Copeland, RobertCheddleton Flint Mill Industrial Heritage Trust1969Book
Short history of pottery raw materials and the Cheddleton flint millCopeland, RobertCheddleton Flint Mill Industrial Heritage Trust1972Book
Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County DurhamCranstone, DLancaster Imprits1997Book
Sidney ironworks accounts: 1541-1573Crossley, David WRoyal Historical Society1975Book
Bristol brass: a history of the industryDay, JoanDavid & Charles1973Book
Production et la commercialisation de Meules de Moulins à Cinq-Mars-La-Pile. (Indre et Loire)Deffontaines, BenoitLes Cahiers de l'AAMT2002Book
Rhosydd slate quarryDenton, J H; Lewis, Michael J TCottage Press1974Book
Elizabethan copper: the history of the company of mines royal, 1568-1605Donald, M BMichael Moon1989Book
Brick, tile and fireclay industries in ScotlandDouglas, G; Oglethorpe, MRoyal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland1993Book
Histoire des carrières d'ÉpernonDuc, Jean-Paull'Association Epernon Patrimoine et Alentours2012Book
Carriers et meuliers de la région d'EpernonDuc, Jean-PaulVille d'Epernon2005Book
Carriers et meuliers de la région d’EpernonDuc, Jean-PaulVille d'Epernon2005Book
Zinkhütter HofEickhoff, Beate; Prym-Bruck, Andrea; von der Haar, Frauke; Wenzler, SebastianGesellschaft zur Förderung des Museums für Industrie- Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte für den Raum Aachen in StolbergBook
Allendale, Tynedale and Derwent lead minesFairbairn, Raymond ANorthern Mine Research Society2000Book
Mines of Alston MoorFairbairn, Raymond ANorthern Mine Research Society1993Book
Lead mining in SwaledaleFawcett, Edward R; Lee, BrianFaust publications1985Book
Early iron industry of Furness and district: an historical and descriptive account from earliest times to the end of the 18th century with an account of Furness ironmasters in Scotland, 1726-1800Fell, AlfredFrank Cass1968Book
Der Eisenhammer Dorfchemnitz OsterzgebirgeFischer, RuthRat der Gemeinde DorfchemnitzBook
Aus der Geschichte des Sächsischen Berg- und HüttenwesenFischer, WaltherVerlag Sachsische Heimat1965Book
Finch Brothers' foundry: Sticklepath, Okehampton, DevonFyfield-Shayler, B A; Norton, C PGraphmitreBook
Guide to forge mill museumGaffney, V L; Robertson, A TForge Mill Museum TrustBook
Portsmouth block-making machinery: A pioneering enterprise in mass productionGilbert, K RHer Majesty's Stationery Office1965Book
Wharfedale minesGill, M CNorthern Mine Research Society1994Book
Grassington minesGill, M CNorthern Mine Research Society1993Book
Lead miningGoodhart, J SDalesman1985Book
Tin mines and miners of Dartmoor: a photographic recordGreeves, TomDevon Books1986Book
Die Gipsmühle am Segeberger KalkbergHagel, JürgenHeimatkundliches Jahrbuch für den Kreis Segeberg1960Book
Cumberland Iron: The story of Hodbarrow mine 1855-1968Harris, AD Bradford Barton1970Book
Copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of LlanidanHarris, J RLandmark2003Book
Ironworks on the Saugus: the Lynn and Braintree ventures of the company of undertakers of the ironworks in New EnglandHartley, E NUniversity of Oklahoma Press1957Book
Saugus ironworks restorationHartley, E NBook
Ironbridge: history and guideHayman, Richard; Horton, WendyTempus Publishing1999Book
History of water mills, the Wealden iron industry, & geology of the South-EastHerbert, B K; Smart, C; Woodrow, C EWatermill Museum Haxted EdenbridgeBook
Clay that burns; a history of the Fletton brick industryHillier, RichardLondon Brick Company Ltd1981Book
Millstone manufacture in Virginia; interviws with the two last Brush Mountain millstone makersHockensmith, Charles DSociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1999Book
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhereHockensmith, Charles DMcFarland & Co Inc2009Book
Smithies of Ireland: of the 19th century: a 32 county listHogg, William EWilliam Hogg2012Book
Coniston copper mines: a field guide to the mines in the copper ore field at Coniston in the English lake districtHolland, Eric GCicerone1986Book
Coniston copper: A historyHolland, Eric GCicerone1986Book
Slates from Abergynolwyn: the story of Bryneglwys slate quarryHolmes, Alan TGwynedd Archives Service1986Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book