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Showing results for ( Publisher equals Alan Sutton ):

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Au temps des moulins à ventGuilbaud, JeanAlan Sutton2004Book
Cloth industry in the west of England: from 1640 to 1880Mann, J de LAlan Sutton1987Book
Life and work of the northern lead minerRaistrick, Arthur; Roberts, ArthurAlan Sutton1990Book
Meuniers, meunières: noblesse farinièreAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriAlan Sutton2008Book
Moulins à eau en FranceCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2005Book
Moulins à eau en Poitou-CharentesCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2006Book