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Showing results for ( Author/contributor contains Paul N Lord Wilson ):

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Watermills and military works on Hadrian's Wall: excavations in Northumberland 1907-1913Simpson, F Gerald; Simpson, Grace; Wilson, Paul N LordTitus Wilson1976Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1985Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1956Book
Watermills with horizontal wheelsWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1960Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordSPAB1973Book
Gunpowder mills of Westmorland and FurnessWilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1964Article
Gilkes's 1853 to 1975. 122 years of Water Turbine and Pump Manufacture (A History of the Firm of Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd.)Wilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1975March 12Manuscript/Typescript
Gunpowder Mills of Westmorland and FurnessWilson, Paul N LordNewcomen Society1964Book
Short history of the new Sedgwick gunpowder millsWilson, Paul N LordNational TrustBook
Water turbinesWilson, Paul N LordHMSO1974Book
Warer turbines simply explainedWilson, Paul N LordGlasgow Electrical Engineering Co Ltd1960Book
'Water Turbines Simply Explained'Wilson, Paul N LordGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1960Book
Watermills: an introductionWilson, Paul N LordEdgar Allen News1956Article